Saturday, October 3, 2009

Let the numbers speak for themselves, Human Sex Trafficking Information

Human trafficking is always something that we hear. Yet, somehow, it seems we’ve gone calloused and look at it as something so detached from our reality.

But little did we know that real people are actually suffering due to this crime.

These people are forced to perform labor or sexual acts against their own will and are forcibly or worse taken with consent. But the bottom line is that these people lose their human rights.

Some of the human trafficking figures that will help you understand the magnitude of this problem.

As of 2007, 27 million people are currently serving as slaves in today’s modern world. You would think that slavery has completely been extinguished, unfortunately the data proves otherwise.

Every year, close to 800,000 individuals are smuggled into other countries and this happens worldwide.

Majority of the number comes from the women and children's sector, each year.

161 countries out of 192 (according to the United Nations) are involved with human trafficking.

And while in bondage, there is approximately 30% of victims who will have an actual encounter with a health care professional but they will not have the chance to expose themselves.

Children comprise half or fifty percent (50%) of human trafficking target. And they become victims as early as 12 to 14 years old and they are most likely to get exposed to sexual exploitation.

These facts might seem overwhelming, but this is our reality. People who are trapped in this status are more or less afraid that if they seek for help, their families or loved ones might get hurt. Some are afraid that they will be deported.

No matter how far the problem may seem to be from our experience, the facts stated above is the sad face of human trafficking.

It may not be that simple to end this situation because poverty or economic problems is the root cause of human trafficking. But not taking any actions will definitely put more women, men and children at risk of becoming targets; thereby, putting their lives on hold.

sex trafficking in the United States
human trafficking statistics

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