Sunday, November 29, 2009

Law Of Attraction: What's In Your Wallet?

In the law of attraction, like attracts like. You get what you asked for based on the clarity of your thoughts. This applies also to what is inside your wallet or purse. You need to be careful with the kind of money that you carry. If you carry dimes in your wallet, that is exactly what you are going to get more of – dimes. So get rid of those dimes and nickels because you don’t want to be attracting that unconsciously.

If you want to attract hundred dollar bills, that is what you should carry more of in your wallet. If it is thousand dollar bills that you are after, than carry it. I am not suggesting that you spend that money. Just carry it in the wallet and the energy will resonate. Having a big dollar note will make you feel rich and that excitement and confidence will send strong emotional vibrations to the universe. The universe registers that as a request and will give exactly more of that feeling to you. You need to feel rich and that can be easily achieved if you know you are carrying a big dollar note. It is very difficult to walk with a rich attitude no matter how well dressed you are if consciously you know that your wallet only has five dollars in it.

Have you ever been in a situation where you did not have enough money with you, just a few dollars to last the whole day or week? How did that make you feel? Sad? Angry? Hopeless? Dejected? Having low self esteem? Afraid? And when you had those feelings, how did you think the universe reacted? It gave you more of those because that was what you produced in your thoughts and emotions. No wonder people in financial difficulties take a long time to get out of their situations, if ever. If only they knew that the trick was only to change their way of thinking and belief systems, and their whole situation would have improved for the better.

‘Begin your journey with the end in mind’. Ever heard of that phrase? In many sales workshops, participants are required to imagine having arrived at the pinnacle of success. Some imagined living in a big house, driving a posh car or traveling in private jets, just to make them feel the excitement of becoming rich and wealthy. And then they are required to dress in their best suits the next day, pretending to ‘have arrived’ and mingling with the rest of the ‘wealthy’ participants. And once they have soaked in this excitement, they can craft the way from their current situation to this ‘wealthy’ state. This role playing is often so real that the participants not knowingly send strong emotions out of their minds into the universe. And many great sales gurus do produce very successful students through this process.

To be wealthy and successful, you need to carry a big dollar note in your wallet, feel rich and go to places where the rich and wealthy patronize. Sit in a fancy restaurant if it is just to drink coffee, hangout at hotel lobbies or country clubs or just window shopping at famous brand boutiques. You need to act rich and feel rich. By the law of attraction, where like attracts like, you will draw wealth to you through this strong vibrations.

Wallets | Wallet

Thursday, November 19, 2009

5 Baby Shower Gifts That Mom Will Love

With the pregnancy bug in the water system, you are bound to know someone who is having a baby, if you aren’t having one yourself. Pregnant women equal shopping time. Here are 5 gifts that any mother will most certainly be appreciative of. The baby shower gift ideas are great for those who are shopping or for mom’s to put on their gift registry.

1. Diapers, diapers and more diapers. That is quite a bland gift but a very much needed gift. I don’t any mom who will complain about having too many diapers with a newborn at home. To make diapers snazzy you have to dress it up a bit. You can find diaper cakes in lots of gift sites. Some come with as many as 150 diapers, plus booties, bibs and tons of other essentials for baby, but all in the shape of an all so cute cake.

2. Layettes, blankets, socks and burp cloths. Chances are they are going to get tons of these. However, these gifts tend to come in newborn or 3 months sizes which after a few weeks probably won’t serve its purpose anymore. Making this a great gift is if you buy them in larger sizes. After a few months, mom still has brand new gifts for the baby to enjoy.

3. Pamper products for Mom. The last few weeks of pregnancy are very uncomfortable and can be hard on Mom. Let Mom have the star treatment as well. Once the baby is born, Mom’s 15 minutes of fame are over.

4. Savings Bonds. A savings bond is a great way to help invest in the child’s future. While everyone is thinking of now you are thinking ahead. It may also help jumpstart parents to jumpstart on baby’s future if they haven’t already.

5. Gift Certificates. You can never go wrong with a gift certificate. Mom and Dad get to choose what they want and you gave them that satisfaction. The obvious choice for a gift certificate would where the registry is set up. If they do not have a registry set up, good choices could include their favorite supermarket (formula, diapers) or baby store. Another gift certificate idea could be a check card gift certificate. It works like a credit card and can be used anywhere.

Tip: I don’t suggest buying clothing unless the parents-to-be suggested so. Chances are they have already gone shopping and couldn’t resist those tiny adorable outfits.

Simply Unique Baby Gifts